Online Consultations


our expertise in nutritional plans

At the moment due to COVID-19 all our consultations are online.

We have ongoing support through emails and messages specially through those first few weeks.

The focus is in adapting healthy habits that can stay with you for life and whatever goal you reach with us can stay long tern with you best.

plant based diet is the focus of our meal plans but are adapted to each one of us and in the a way that is right for you.

We will provide the evidence based advise and you will decide what suits you.


getting started with a health journey

  1. First book your free 15 minutes discovery call. We can chat about what would you like to achieve and I can tell you about how can I help you.
  2. Ready for our first consultation. This is a 45 minutes phone consultation and we will outline the bases of your nutritional plan.
  3. Follow up consultations every two weeks and are about 20 minutes consultations. We do an assistant of the progress made in the past two week and the modification required for the next stage. (On going until you reach your goal)
  4. Maintenance monitoring once a month for few months to make sure the healthy habits acquired are kept and adapted to your lifestyle.
  • Working with Mari's Nutrition is amazing. In just 6 weeks I had completely changed my outlook on food.

Questions and further information

On your first Free discovery call, we will speak about what you would like to achieve and what are your main goals. You can also ask any questions and any further information you need to ask.

Lets talk !

Let's talk