About Mari

About Mari's Nutrition

Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food"

- Hippocrates


Nutrition, it's a passion

I'm a university-trained nutritionist. I am also a wife, a mum to a spirited little boy, and a bit of a fitness and health enthusiast. I enjoy reading, dancing and warm summer days by the sea.

When I discovered nutrition as a career it was just meant to be. It’s as much of a passion as it is a profession.

Throughout my life, I have been in the different stages and relationships with food in which many of my clients are at the moment, and that gives me an understanding and empathy beyond the knowledge I have acquired in my studies.

Blog Posts

I enjoy writing about health, nutrition and food. I love sharing recipes and helping others enjoy food as much as I do. Information I share is based on science, not belief or trends.  Have a look and let me know what you think.


I can help you with:

  • Plant Based Nutrition for health
  • Weight loss and healthy eating.
  • Transitioning into vegetarian and vegan diets.

My Story

Maris Nutrition logo

I discovered my career in nutrition by chance while at a crossroads in my life. I always had weight management issues, acne and was on and off a vegetarian diet.

Since day one it was like it was meant to be. As a student I loved most subjects (as long as it didn't involve lots of numbers – yes, I'm talking to you statistics and public health nutrition). My internship in a hospital with different specialities and working the nutrition side of it was the highlight of my training.

As a professional, I love working with people and being able to help and guide so that we can all have a better relationship with food and we find the baseline to healthier dietary choices. I am very much aware that each person has their own individual and unique case. As previously mentioned, working with people's diets is as much a passion as a job.

Many of us have tried to lose weight countless of times and follow diet trends without success. One to one consultation and individualised nutritional programs is the solution to this problem. That's why I have decided to start this journey, to help as many as I can and to show dieting can be fun and enjoyable.

1982 - 2001


Born and raised in Nicaragua, where food is locally produced and sourced, and home to an abundance of plant based options.... but also influenced by not-so-healthy practices. This is where my weight problems started.

Much of the "Latino" culture and social interaction is built around food, especially hosting; we nurture our relationships with others through food.

Moving around- Becoming vegetarian

In my teens, my family and I moved to live in Jamaica and later on, Peru. Jamaica was a significant influence on me becoming vegetarian as well as learning a new culture and the Rastafarian lifestyle.

I was perhaps too young to have a healthy vegetarian diet, in an omnivore family, although very eager to learn new recipes.

Post-Jamaica, as a family, we moved once again. This time to the north of Peru, a city called Chiclayo. A year later, we moved to Lima, the capital city of Peru.

1998 - 2001

2001 - 2008

Career change and becoming a Nutritionist

While in Peru, I was not sure what to study. I went to dental school but couldn't see myself sticking with it as a career.

Then by chances I learned about Nutrition as a science and a career and my journey began; still a vegetarian and still not having a healthy weight.

After 5 years of study for my university degree, I finally graduated as a Nutritionist and Dietitian.

Falling in Love and moving to England

After graduating, I focus on working as a sport Nutritionist in Lima for some years. I had learned now how to eat and the right balance for my body. Later, I decided it was time to move to Chile where my family had moved.

Before I was able to move, I met my future husband and ended up instead moving to London. I started working not long after as a Nutritionist in the weight loss industry.

I was no longer vegetarian but phased in and out of eating a predominantly plant based food .


2012 - 2018

2018 - now

Motherhood and Whole Food Plant Based Diet for the WIN!

Becoming a mother in 2018, I decided I needed to give my son his best shot in life and to do everything in my power to reduce the risk of disease.

After further research, I discovered the health benefits of evidence-based nutrition, and to this day I read all the studies, books and any other resource to enrich my knowledge of Plant based nutrition. I finally found my speciality

Now here we are and you are reading about it!