
your journey

Better together.

Nobody should have to suffer to achieve their goals. Find a different way to succeed.

Mari's Nutrition can help you with:

  • Plant-based nutrition for health.
  • Weight management and healthy eating
  • Management of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Transitioning into plant-based diets, vegetarian or vegan diets.
about me


I am Mari, a mother and university-trained nutritionist and dietitian. Based in London, I provide evidence-based nutritional advice for a healthy lifestyle.

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about me

Mari's Nutrition.

I am a bilingual nutritionist (English and native Spanish). I have worked in the weight-loss industry for over 10 years in London and Lima, Peru. I have a passion for plant-based food and enjoy making it accessible and appealing to families and individuals wanting to make a change to their lifestyle.


What I write about

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